Lawn Fertilization

Recommended 6 Step Annual Lawn Fertilization Treatment

Applications Every 6 Weeks.

The timing of applications is based on climatic conditions such as rain, wind, and temperatures.

Early Spring: A liquid post-emergent for the control of existing winter grassy weeds & broadleaf weeds such as henbit & dandelions. Plus a liquid pre–emergent to prevent & control annual summer weeds like crabgrass, foxtail, clover & spurge.

Mid-Spring: A granular application of high nitrogen slow release fertilizer to jump-start an early spring green-up. Slow release fertilizer allows the turf to absorb nitrogen as needed which results in a healthy thick turf with a consistent green color.

Late Spring/ Early Summer: A granular application of a balanced slow-release nitrogen fertilizer. Plus a liquid spot treatment for grassy & broadleaf weds as needed.

Summer: A granular application of a balanced slow-release nitrogen fertilizer. Plus a liquid spot treatment for grassy & broadleaf weds as needed. Nut sedge & Dallisgrass control is applied without extra charges.

Summer Optional Treatments: 

Hydretain Root Zone Moisture Manager: A humectant compound application that holds moisture within the soil. Hydretain treatments reduces plant drought stress and cuts lawn watering up to 50%.

Insect Control: A granular or liquid application of insect control for turf feeding insects like chinch bugs, mealy bugs. Plus control of biting insects such as ticks & fleas. Plus weed control as needed.

Grub Control: Summer is the best time of year to control grubs. A granular or liquid insecticide is applied to prevent/control grub damage to your turf.

Late Summer/Early Fall: A granular application of a balanced slow-release winterizer fertilizer. Plus a liquid spot treatment for grassy & broadleaf weeds as needed.

Fall: Liquid pre-emergent and post-emergent control for winter weeds & broadleaf weeds like poa, dandelions, clover, henbit & chickweed.

Service calls are at NO CHARGE with our annual application program.

*St. Augustine and Buffalo Grass receive alternate treatments that include specific herbicides,
fungicides and fertilizers to help control weeds & disease.